6740 County Road #32
Canandaigua, New York 14424
Phone: (585) 229-2400
Fax: (585) 229-4319
February 10, 2025
Town Board Meeting
Location: Town Hall
February 24, 2025
Zoning Board of Appeals
Location: Town Hall
Town & County Tax Collection
TAKE NOTICE THAT I, Karen Maczynski, as of January 1, 2024, the
undersigned Town Clerk for the Town of Bristol, County of Ontario and the State of New
York, have duly received the Tax Roll and Warrant for the collection of taxes within the
Town of Bristol for the year 2024.
I have fixed the following dates for receiving taxes. During the months of
January, February, and March between the hours of 9:00 am to Noon and 2:00 pm
to 4:00 pm., on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I will be collecting taxes at the
Bristol Town Hall, 6740 County Road 32, Bristol Center, NY at the above stated hours.
Full payments (no installments) may also be made at the Canandaigua National Bank
during the month of January only.
No fee in January, 1% (.0100) in February, 2% (.0200) in March. Taxes
unpaid by April 1, 2024, will be turned over to the Ontario County Treasurer for
Karen Maczynski, Town Clerk/Tax Collector