6740 County Road #32
Canandaigua, New York 14424
Phone: (585) 229-2400
Fax: (585) 229-4319
January 21, 2025
Zoning Board of Appeals
Location: Town Hall
January 28, 2025
Planning Board
Location: Town Hall
Kelly L. Ducar
Sole Assessor
*** NEW Office hours:
Wednesday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Thursday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Phone: (585) 866-1057 or (585) 229-2400, ext. 3
Fax: (585) 866-1057
E-mail address: Assessor@townofbristol.org
The following video helps explain your property taxes and the role of the Assessor's Office in determining your property value. Borrowed from the Sarpy County Assessors Office.
*******UNDER INFORMATION LINKS - CLICK BELOW THIS IMAGE*****UNDER- Property Taxes explained below to view.
Assessment Information
No faxed or emailed copies of the grievance complaint will be accepted by the Assessor’s Office during the complaint filing period. Original copies of the grievance complaint must be mailed or personally delivered to the Assessor’s Office during any complaint period so as to arrive at the Assessor’s Office on or before the applicable deadline which is the meeting date of the Board of Assessment Review.
NYS offers exemptions for Senior Citizens on their PRIMARY RESIDENCE ONLY.
You may only have one primary residence.
If you are 65, and currently not receiving a Senior Exemption on your primary residence, contact the assessors office at:
585-229-2400 x3 or email: Assessor@townofbristol.org
The Town income limit for low income senior is $21,200.
The income limit for Enhanced STAR is $98,700. Both are based on your 2022 income.
Click on the link below to go to the State webpage www.tax.ny.gov
******NEW*******New York State School Tax Relief (STAR) Program
The STAR program is now a personal income tax credit for new homeowners after 3/1/15.
NYS Department of Tax & Finance is the facilitator of this new process. Click here to register with NYS.
The following video helps explain your property taxes and the role of the Assessor's Office in determining your property value. Borrowed from the Sarpy County Assessors Office.
*******CLICK BELOW THIS IMAGE*******UNDER- Property Taxes explained below to view.
The percentage of market value (full value) used by an assessing unit to establish uniform assessments. This value must appear on the tentative roll. Real Property Tax Law Section 305 specifies, "all real property in each assessing unit shall be assessed at a uniform percentage of value..."
Taxable Status Date - March 1st
The Assessor is required by New York State law to value property as it is on this date. A partially completed building will receive a partial assessment based on its estimated percentage of completion as of March 1st. If you suffer a loss to your property (ex: fire, demolition) after this date you will see no reduction for that loss on forthcoming roll. Exemption forms must be filed by this date also.
Residential Assessment Ratio (RAR)
A percentage established by the State Board of Real Property Services according to law, using the ratio of assessed value to the sales price for each usable residential sale in a recent one-year period. Ratios are then listed from highest to lowest; the midpoint (median) ratio is selected as the RAR. The RAR can be used to prove that a residential property is assessed at a higher level than other homes on the assessment roll. Your locality's RAR indicates at what percent of full value residential properties are assessed. For example, a RAR of 20 indicates that residential properties are assessed at approximately 20 percent of their full value.
Equalization Rate
"State equalization rate" means the percentage of full value at which taxable real property in a county, city, town or village is assessed as determined by the state board." (RPTL Section 102) The rate is a ratio of the sum of the locally determined assessed values for all taxable parcels for a given assessment roll divided by ORPS's estimate of total full value for that same roll.
Solar & Wind Energy Systems Exemption - Opted Out
The Town of Bristol has opted out of all energy system real property tax assessment exemptions afforded pursuant to RPTL § 487. It is the further intent by the adoption hereof to include all the types of applicable energy systems pursuant to RPTL § 487 in that opting out. Local Law #1 2020-001
No faxed or emailed copies of the grievance complaint will be accepted by the Assessor’s Office during the complaint filing period. Original copies of the grievance complaint must be mailed or personally delivered to the Assessor’s Office during any complaint period so as to arrive at the Assessor’s Office on or before the applicable deadline which is the meeting date of the Board of Assessment Review.